(Dis)placed interventions – table performance / lecture

2020 – ongoing, solo performance
Music: Benne Dousselaere – Feedback: Matthias Velle – Supported by: Vooruit

The past six years, Elly worked on the imagination of urban development and the co-creation of public space. She did research in the streets, presented documentary shows in vacant buildings, set up local neighbourhood workspaces and built public installations, together with diverse residents. The entire working process is reflected in her book (Dis)placed interventions: Making public space in urban landscapes (2019).

In an intimate lecture performance, Elly brings the book to life: she talks about the slow start of each participatory project, about the many surprises along the way and about what is left behind when the work seems to be finished.

The performance is intended for a small audience: a maximum of 10 people sitting around the table with Elly. From students and professionals in urban planning, the arts or community work to those interested in inspiring forms of cooperation.

With few means, Elly transforms the classroom, meeting room or living room into a place that turns out to be bigger than we thought.

From September 2020
On demand: morning / afternoon / evening
Duration 90 min (+ aftertalk)

Max 10 people, Age 16+

Setup 30 min, no technicians required
Adaptable to different spaces
1 large table + 11 chairs available
1 small table + coffee/tea for the group

Contact ellyvaneeghem@gmail.com

Interview by Ronald Verhaegen (NL)